Many times, if new stuff is introduced like new technology or new machines, life drastically improves. Think about washing mashines. Think about vacuum cleaners. Think about mobile phones.
What technology brings to us is more convenience and less hard work.
Less need for pesky housework and no need to walk to red phone boxes. We are not bothered by organizing everything in advance.
We just grab the cell phone and do everything on the fly.
Sounds great! But what happens next?
After we get used to all this new found convenience, we start feeling like before all this new stuff arrived.
Before: We were bored by doing hours of housework, washing by hand, wet cleaning the floor.
After: We are bored by the free saturday evening. We start watching TV.
(Did you ever notice, that all these machines create the freedom to watch mindless media programs? Is this a true advancement??)
Before: We had to memorize our way through town or ask locals.
After: We ask google maps, follow a robot voice and stop using our brains.
(Did you notice that with our now so lazy brains and all the WIFI radiation millions of people suddenly have dementia? Is this a true advancement??)
Recently I was at the dentist’s. He was super surprised that such a thing like teaching kids music in the afternoon STILL exists. He thought that there would be NO kids today that bother practicing an instrument.
I told him, that music never gets old. It nurtures us and even though we put in some energy, so much more comes back: joy, creativity, achievement, fun and contentment. Why?
Because making music is not the next “new” thing, that stops our development and that harms us in the long run.
In the contrary, it heals us from all this technological insanity.
I am not saying that a vacuum cleaner or a toaster are bad.
They help us living, which is great!
I am saying that we have to use our time for things that fulfill us in the long run, that build our character and that make us shine as humans.
Music does all of this.
Technology brings convenience. But not happiness.
Convenience and happiness are NOT the same.
Thank you for reading this, I really do appreciate your wisdom,
from the heart,
p.s. Anselma’s Concertino in piano reduction is coming! A short and sweet bassoon concerto written for curageous soloist and passionate string players age 8 – 12 ;o) This was quite a challenge to write for everyone wants to play melody of course!?
Curious? Listen HERE to the Ostinato (3. Movement).
p.p.s. Did you know? We are very intentionally not part of any artists’ association to ensure free and unrestricted performing rights for you. We are happy to serve you with this music and warmly welcome videos, concerts and performances of any kind – with ZERO bureaucracy or fees.
We only ask you to get your own copy of original sheet music. Our books don’t cost much and last a lifetime. Your purchase enables us to continue this work. Many thanks.