AnselmaMusic helps you to create
a happy bassoon life.
And a happy piano life.
And a happy life! 😉
You are at the right place here, if you ever asked yourself something like this:
- “Where can I find the perfect books for bassoon, lots of bassoons and piano?”
- “Where can I find great music for bassoon?”
- “How can I be the best teacher I could ever be?”
- “How can I improve my own musical skills?”
- “How can I develop patience with myself and others?”
- “How can I get fresh ideas and motivation?”
- “How can I stay up to date with a modern way of teaching and new methods?”
- “How can I be more effective in practicing and teaching?”
- Anselma Veit
Education: academic studies of music – lots of it…
Passions: fancy harmonies | reading books under trees | encouraging people | philosophizing with friends | going beyond personal limits
Always searching for: the ultimate improvisation | great people | clues and tricks for composing
long & boring version:
Anselma Veit is a prominent figure in bassoon circles and publishes stunning instructional music since 2009. With her work she influences the way music is taught and makes a strong impact on generations to come. As a highly sought-after bassoonist, Anselma has played with the Volksoper Wien, the Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Trier Philharmonic Orchestra, the Stadttheater Baden bei Wien, the Vienna Chamber Orchestra and at the Vienna State Opera Orchestra.
Anselma has written many commissioned pieces for private individuals and ...
- Oliver Ottitsch
Education: from cardboard boxer to boxing cartoonist
Passions: being even more famous | everything that does not make too much work
Always searching for: more
long & boring version:
Oliver Ottitsch was born 1983 around noon. He never used to be an early bird. Pressed and plagued by his own long lasting insignificance to his own surprise he became a shooting star in the cartoon heaven. Today he is a successful guy known by everbody and his mother, even Wikipedia. His cartoons are shown in the Subway of Vienna to make waiting funny.
His original artwork is published by renown German magazines such as Stern, Titanic, Eulenspiegel, Nebelspalter and Bananenblatt. In 2013 he won the Cartoon prize Pas de deux / Paarlauf of the Goethe-Institut and a ...
- Karin Holzschuster
Education: tooting and strumming
Passions: studying google maps for hours and finally ending up somewhere else | left and right must be for amateurs | browsing and browsing and browsing – and bying nothing | eating gummy bears in the red sunset at the blue ocean
Always searching for: the perfect handbag | a break-resistant shopping ally | the ideal place for happiness | mango pudding
long & boring version:
Karin Holzschuster is a proven expert in teaching bassoon and guitar – not only does she take on one by one student, but also teaches a whole company of students at the same time. She conducts a guitar-orchestra with 35 guitarists and before concerts she does not hesitate to check if all 210 ...
- Gilbert Hirtz
Education: students are the greatest teachers!
Passions: being curious of everything | traveling to Greenland, Usbekistan, Oman, Lesotho | mountain climbing on Kilimanjaro, Großglockner, Alpamayo chico, Kang Yatze | assisting in the unfolding of my students full potential
Always searching for: new insights about teaching | bassoons that can be adapted to students hand and body sizes | inspirating through books | recreation in nature
long & boring version:
After operating with cool refrigerating machines and air conditioning grills, Gilbert Hirtz picked up his bassoon and studied music to be a warmhearted teacher. As a real all-rounder he likewise feels at home with the oboe, saxophone, clarinet and flute.
He is not a person of many words. So he let his students talk for him (who usually ...
- Astrid Seemann
Education: Doctor of veterinary medicine
Passions: animals – alive and painted
Always seacrhing for: new challenges and old wisdom
long & boring version:
Astrid Seemann was born with many funny ideas in her head and tries to bring them to paper with colourful pencils ever since. She loves painting and also dogs, cats, guinea pigs and cows. So she became a veterinary.
Astrid Seeman is a passionate bass player, but luckily she likes bassoonists too. They also make nice sounds and good mood as well.
In the picture you see her with Ylvi and Nelli, Models for “On a Sailboat”. - Hiroyo Masumura
Education: Creating colours out of black and white keys
Passion: breeding little plants for little appartments plants | fabricating little japanese treats | photography
Always searching for: interesting music and new pieces | beautiful parks and shoes that fit
long & boring version:
Hiroyo Masumura loves the piano. So much that she is around festivals playing chamber music and giving solo recitals all over the place.
She played at Klavierwoche Gasteig in Munich, in the Arnold-Schönberg-Center Vienna and at The Edinburgh Festival, Scotland.
Hiroyo has a strong passion for teaching as well. As a piano teacher at the Vienna State Music School she writes new stuff for her students – music that they adore and that fires them up.Hiroyo is a prize winner ...
- Fritz Kotrba
Education: None | At least none that would have turned into money.
Passion: hammocks, beach chairs, couches together with preferably alkohol containing drinks | background music: Miles Davis – Sketches from Spain
Always searching for: the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
long & boring version:
Fritz Kotrba was born at the first half of the last century. So he finds himself living as a trickster in a world that is truly not his own.
When he was threatened by brutal stagnation, the friendly network of AnselmaMusic came to rescue him.
Now he is busy producing daily violence and irony free artwork suitable for toddlers…Sadly and unexpectedly we lost Fritz in November of 2018.
Rest in peace, we love you ... - Colombe Arnulf-Kempcke
Education: academic studies of music and in the good wine of Burgundy
Passion: conducting big symphony orchestras | astrology | balkan dances
Always searching for: new sounds | peace in the world
long & boring version:
Colombe Arnulf-Kempcke studied flute and piano, majoring also in composition, classical harmony and orchestration (with Guillaume Connesson) at CRR Aubervilliers and other places throughout France.
At the moment, she is flute teacher in Versailles and teaching at project DEMOS (Philharmonie de Paris). Colombe is giving particular lessons as piano teacher for little, little bigger and not so little students.
In the last few years she has conducted different orchestras in France with her own pieces (yesssss!!) and others such as Dvorak’s New World Symphony and Arturo Marquez’ Danzon ...