When I was on Campus at the Banff Centre for the Arts, Alberta, Canada, a retreat of first nation tribes took place, where native indian people shared their traditions with other tribes.
In the huge dining hall, I had the chance to talk to a lady that was one of their leaders. Eager to catch a pinch of her wisdom, I asked her about how we humans learn best.
I clearly remember her answer until this day. Here is what she said:
We only learn what we understand.
We only understand what is part of our world.
Learning comes from acting.
Her wisdom gives the remedy to the two most common mistakes we make as teachers and educators:
1.) Before we start talking we find out what is part of someones world.
School was painful to me (I hated school, I hated that I had to go there, it was the most boring thing sitting there). Most times I thought: This has nothing to do with me. As a consequence, I rejected to memorize this sort of content.
For instance, we were lectured on <the projected demographics in Third World Countries>.
How about learning what happens in Austria first?
It’s fantastic to grow into a world citizen instead of being a small patriot, I get that. But why not start closer to home?
So, wisdom one: Look through their eyes and see what makes them alive and sparkling.
Genuine interest implicates learning. No effort required.
2.) We remember not what we hear, but what we act on.
If you want to teach something, inspire action. Never just talk.
Talk ist boring, it just concerns the ears.
Doing is exciting, it involves the whole human.
Learning is more than getting something conceptually in our head.
True learning is practical, it comes from doing. From experiencing.
Experience builds not only our knowledge, it builds our character.
Wisdom two: Help others to create memories. They come from something we feel, we do, we see, we sense, we hear, we taste, we dive into.
Humans are more than a head.
I found that giving inspiration is more effective than lecturing.
And it’s so much more fun, too ;o)
I wish you a bright November, no matter what happens outside.
With so much love,
P.s.: In times of forced distancing, we humans need each other even more.
HERE are some easy and beautiful Trios for the Holiday Season. I hope The Gala & Christmas Trios get you in the mood and open hearts even more :o)
P.p.s. I feel very honored to announce a masterful recording of The Three Preludes by the masterful Nikolaus Maler. Crazy virtuoso, fantasticly inspirational!