At times our regular, day to day life seems overwhelming. On top of that, we have extra stressful occasions: in-laws coming for a visit, overpacked days, public performances, people suddenly behaving “funny” (and leaving us with question marks in our heads) and such.
In other words, life can be pretty stressful and funky.
Everyday life used to make me pretty nervous on a regular basis.
So I was looking for relief for quite some time.
Here is, what helped me tremendously
– and I hope these strategies will support you as well:
1.) Make a plan.
What duties do you have? List them, make a checklist.
One for the week and one for the day. And commit to stick to your list.
Checking things off a list is one of the most satisfying tasks ever.
It feels so good that it can be addictive. Try it!
2.) Be prepared that things go wrong.
There is always a worst case for everything.
Sometimes these worst cases come to reality, but most times they don’t.
When you prepare yourself mentally for the worst case – things take much longer, flaws and mistakes occur, people are unreliable, you screw things up and nothing ever goes the way it should – you relax into the idea of non-perfection.
It is ok when things go wrong. No problem.
Expect to experience failure.
It is human. Failure is an intrinsic part of our human life.
3.) Say to all the critics: “Yes, you are right!”
Most stress in my experience comes from comments, others make about us or from our own ego’s voice.
They leave us with a feeling that we suck, we are incapable, we are losers.
What I found very liberating is telling those voices that make us feel bad, that they are right. Just admit and confirm. Admit that what they say is true and your stress levels will go down in an instant.
“You should be much better in this!” – “Yes, you are right.”
“You are an idiot!” – “Well, yes, you are right!”
Very freeing! :o) It can actually feel great to be an incapable idiot :oD
What strategies from your experience work best to reduce stress?
Much love,