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A Beautiful Problem

Problems are part of life. We don’t like them. We avoid them. We run from them.
We want a life without them.
But still, they are there. And as soon as we solve one, a new one is on the horizon.

Music is such a magnificent playground to learn about life for every hindrance you can think of sooner or later will march into your practicing room. You will be tired, frustrated, exhausted, impatient, angry on the composer / conductor / yourself / god (pick one or all of them!), disctracted, lost and hopeless. Old friends on your path as a musician. Stop giggling!?

If you want to improve anything – no matter what – a systematic approach will help you greatly. So why not train ourselves and see a pattern to later transfer it to our life in general? I think we can agree on this: Life is about solving problems, right?

I. The first step would be: Define the problem.
What’s the situation? And what’s the struggle here?
What are you dealing with?

I love to take this apart with my students. Did you like how you performed? What could be done better? What would you like to be different and – better?
American philosopher John Dewey said: “A problem defined is a problem half solved.”


II. The second step is: Find a solution.
What would help in this case? What would bring you from A to B?
How could this be solved?
This step is my favorite for basically there are no wrong answers here. Finding solutions is creative work, so all is possible. In theory. Well ok, there solutions that factually don’t work. But at least they do give further information!?

In my teaching I ask my student about the solution: You did not like ABC. How would you fix it? I am curious.
When suggestions are pouring out of them, hooray, I know I did something right here.
A blank stare on the other hand tells me my teaching needs to be improved…


III. And thirdly: Check the outcome.
Did it work? Did this actually bring you from A to B? Are you happy with the result?
Yes? – You are brilliant!
No? – Well then let’s go back to step 1 and step 2 and rinse and repeat. I stay here with you, I go nowhere, we do this together, no problem!

Make problems your friends.
They will always keep knocking on your door. I know, it IS annoying. But you can not stop them from coming. So change the strategy, welcome them and invite them for coffee.
Think to yourself: “What a beautiful problem just arrived, how interesting.” And all will be well. Relax. We are all together in this my friend.

Have some gorgeous short autumn days and long cozy evenings,
much love,