Living means being with people.
A beautiful social setting equals life quality.
We tend to forget that.
We think, it’s about things. Or goods. Or to-do lists.
No. It’s about people.
Pondering this I understand that we do have to found our life in some very simple, but universal basics.
There are not many.
But when we apply them relentlessly the result will be,
– a life worth living,
– a life that’s fullfilled,
– a life framed by humor, loving twinkles and a beautifully mistake-positive environment.
Here are some hopefully useful ideas:
Be friendly.
Leave rooms cleaner than you found them.
Don’t be snappy, don’t be pissy.
Say no if it get’s too much.
Be accountable, be trustworthy, your word means something.
Never think you know someone, it limits your presence.
Don’t tolerate bullies.
When irritated, think: “What can I learn from this?”
Talk about people only when they are in the room.
Admire the people you meet, they are heroes. See that.
Thank you and please are still golden words.
Don’t expect others to be mind readers, say what you want and do so kindly.
Make promises and keep them.
I like this beautiful saying:
The biggest room is the room for improvement.
Much love, as always,
p.s. Two stunning new recordings of my compositions! What a joy to listen!!
A Little Scratch Music and Tango XXXI.