Education: from cardboard boxer to boxing cartoonist
Passions: being even more famous | everything that does not make too much work
Always searching for: more
long & boring version:
Oliver Ottitsch was born 1983 around noon. He never used to be an early bird. Pressed and plagued by his own long lasting insignificance to his own surprise he became a shooting star in the cartoon heaven. Today he is a successful guy known by everbody and his mother, even Wikipedia. His cartoons are shown in the Subway of Vienna to make waiting funny.
His original artwork is published by renown German magazines such as Stern, Titanic, Eulenspiegel, Nebelspalter and Bananenblatt. In 2013 he won the Cartoon prize Pas de deux / Paarlauf of the Goethe-Institut and a special prize by the German Ambassy in Paris. He is also a prize winner of the German’s Mathematicians Society. They like to laugh as well here and there.
In Anselma’s bassoon sheet music books he delights green horns and old rabbits and motivates bassoonists left, right and center with his humorous artworks.