The great response to my first book “Tango Etüden” that I wrote for my students came not only as a surprise, it was a true honor for me, too. I got notifications from all over the world that these etudes did become part of the standard repertoire of bassoon classes, and in some cases they came to be “a winning horse” in competitions.
And people asked for more. So I decided to add another 23 Tangos and Milongas. Which makes 50 Tango Etüden in total, I wanted to reach the Concert Studies mark by Milde, which are 50 as well.
Milde and Piazolla, both of them were my beloved idols and heroes in this endeavor. Their work is not only an endless inspiration for me. I truly admire Mildes ability to say everything that is to be said with only one lonely bassoon. Piazzolla on the other hand is the master of deep strong expression, who transformed simple melodies to greatest artistic hights. He changed Tango from the music of sailors and prostitutes to a very sophisticated and rich form of art.
These new ones here are the PRO edition. They are a little more challenging – but really worth the extra mile you put in. These etudes are fun to play and can catapult you to an even better level as a musician. A word of warning though. These guys are terrible ear worms…
So here we are:
Tango Etüden I – XXVII (available HERE)
Tango Etüden PRO XXVIII – L (available right on this page)
Thank you for being part of this unusual etudes journey! When I caught the first Tango ideas in my head and wrote them down I had no idea that a new genre was being shaped. This is only made possibe by YOU – my incredible bassoon lovers.
XXXVI – Milonga energica by Anselma Veit
(in 7/8 – I’m sure you noticed that already!?) :o)
XXXIX – Milonga esercizio by Anselma Veit
ALL Tango Etüden, brilliantly performed by the one and only Nikolaus Maler:
Anselma Veit
Tango Etüden
23 Tangos and Milongas – 24.90 €
for bassoon solo
Catalogue No. AM 615
ISBN 978-3-903157-07-1
ISMN 979-0-700384-15-9