Finally Bassoon Suite – 2019

Welcome Dear One! :o)
Thank you so much for being here!!!

I have the honor and privilege to provide a new piece for you – written especially for the wonderful Finally Bassoon Event 2019
of Jeunesses Musicales Suisse.

I am so happy, that you will be part of this convention of great people and fantastic bassoonists!


– Please listen to the audio samples and click the links to download the music for play along practice.

– Please select the bassoon part you want to play and print it out when it appears on your screen. If you are not sure, which is the perfect part for you please ask your teacher.
Teachers are helpful and nice, especially if they are bassoonists. I know, because I myself am a bassoon teacher!!! :oD

– I also prepared for each movement a Happy Practice Sheet. It helps you preparing your part in a fun way. Happy Practice Sheets are also great for squirrels, monkeys, zebras and lions. – Not sure about these animals?
Print out the Happy Practice Sheets and find out, which one you are!! :o)))))



I hope you will enjoy the music for Finally Bassoon 2019, no matter what bassoon animal you are! :o)


Much love and all the best,
(composer, bassoonist
and bassoon composer ;o))

Finally Bassoon Suite – Audios

Please listen:

Finally Calypso

Finally Tango

Finally Samba


Finally Bassoon Suite – Audios DOWNLOADS

Please click and download on your computer:

Finally Calypso - Audio DOWNLOAD




Finally Tango - Audio DOWNLOAD


Finally Samba - Audio DOWNLOAD




Finally Bassoon Suite – Sheet Music (bassoon and fagottino parts)

Please click on your part and print it out when it appears on your screen:

bassoon I

bassoon II

bassoon III

bassoon IV

fagottino in G

fagottino in F

score (partitura)

I included solo and tutti passages. Please try to master everything because it is fun. I believe you can do this!!!
If you need help, ask your nice and friendly bassoon teacher :o)))

Contra Bassoon Player? If you are the king of Contra, please prepare bassoon III.
If you are not Elvis Contra Presley, please play bassoon IV ;oD


Finally Bassoon Suite – Happy Practice Sheets (for all levels)

Please click on your part and print it out when it appears on your screen:

And find out what bassoon horoscope animal you are!? ;oD

Happy Practice Calypso

Happy Practice Tango

Happy Practice Samba



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